Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I'm probably not that clean.

Let me tell you a story about a girl who shathes. This girl tends to put off shathing at all costs because it's not particularely fun. In fact, it's downright dirty. I am this girl and Nik and I invented this word for whatever it is we 'do' when we 'try' to 'clean' ourselves. Our 100 year old rusty clawfoot tub with no shower is in the middle of our second floor, exposed to the elements. I realized this morning that it seems as if I've become one with nature. But, as I sat there (read: laid in the fetal position as semi warm water from a sprayer that continuously pops out of the faucet sprays onto me) I was trying to figure out if it's because I haven't figured out how to reach certain 'spots' to get clean and I just smell like nature, or if it's because I can literally see all of Hill St as we sit perched at its crest and our walls are smashed to bits so there's nothing protecting me from the watchful eyes of our neighbors, so I'm literally IN nature...

To tell you the truth. It's not the shath itself that is all that bad...once I get over the rusty water being sprayed into every orifice (that is pore) but it's stepping out as the breeze catches the dust on the floor and whisps it back up to attach to my not nearly dry enough legs/arms/whatever therefor making my shath almost meaningless and a big ol' waste of time. And as I trudge down the stairs accumulating even more dust to the bottoms of my feet, that were ALMOST clean...I take a look at my, again, blackened face and wonder, "what's the point?"

Perfume sure is my friend these days.

This first photo is a picture of our little one's bedroom looking into the bathroom.

Here's one looking onto the beauty of a linoleum wall that's been half ripped off and if you're not careful can cut you WHILE you're shathing.

Check out the drywall....you GOTS to be careful with that sprayer...it's either open insulation )on the other side of fake tiled wall) or brand new drywall waiting to be hung....both of which would be DISASTERS if they got wet.


  1. Those are some MAJOR renos! I'm sure your home will be absolutely beautiful and you'll feel cleaner :) when you're done!

  2. You are so much more courageous than me.

    And hey, we have the same blog layout!

  3. um...we have *real* bathroom here you can use! It's going to look great when you are all said and done....but I realize that might be a little ways from now!

  4. haha i love it. your house is crazy!

  5. You are hilarious. I like that we aren't the only ones who do INSANE things. you'll have so many hilarious stories to tell later. I have a feeling this is what my blog is going to turn into once we get to where we are going. We'll be passing through soon, I'll try to contact you guys when we get close.
